New Era New Vision


by Bong Rin Ro, Ken Gnanakan, Bruce Nicholls & Joseph Shao
Edited by Bruce Nicholls, Theresa Roco Lua & Julie Belding

Price US$10

As global, political, economic and religious power moves towards Asia, God has raised up the Asia Theological Association (ATA) to become one of the region’s most influential movements for transforming the training of Christian leaders.

Bong Ro’s cry, “Train Asians in Asia” is being fulfiiled. We see fewer Asian scholars going to the West for post-graduate training and not returning. The Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST) has centers in Japan, the Philippines, and South East Asia, with others soon to be added. More and more theological institutions are seeking ATA accreditation and enjoying its Value Added Services (VAS). As well as sponsoring influential consultations and producing publication of all kinds, ATA has helped to pioneer Theological Education by Extension (TEE), and now distance learning programs, for thousand of mission-minded Christians. This book will inspire all who read it to commit themselves to Christ’s commission to bring his kingdom on earth.