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Recent Visits

From Asia to Europe: Visiting Evaluation Teams sent out last October

Several Visiting Evaluation teams were sent out in the month of October and these visits were not only limited to institutions in Asia, but extended also to Europe. The institutions visited were in the following countries: Philippines, Spain, and Japan.  The Institutions visited in the Philippines were the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines (BSOP) [...]

Three Visiting Evaluation Teams sent out in the Third Quarter of this year

Three Visiting evaluating teams were sent out to and welcomed by three schools, all in Southeast Asia, this quarter; two of those schools in the Philippines and one in Malaysia. The schools in the Philippines were the Grain of Wheat College and Seminary and the Presbyterian Theological Seminary & College of Advanced Studies (PTS-CAS) [...]

Visit to Bangkok Bible Seminary

    On May 2-4, Bangkok Bible Seminary (BBS) was visited by Visiting Evaluation Team (VET) consisting of Dr. Ng Peh Cheng, Associate Secretary of Accreditation and Educational Development, ATA; Dr. Rahmiati Tanudjaja, Overseer of Missions Department, Southeast Asian Bible Seminary, Indonesia; and Mr. Gregg Nicholson, International Coordinator, The Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand. Bangkok Bible [...]

Visit to College of Christian Theology Bangladesh

The VET consisting of Dr. Graham Aylett, CAED Coordinator for Central Asia; Dr. Bal Krishna Sharma, Principal of the Nepal Theological College, Kathmandu; and Mr. Anwarul Azad, Director of the Institute for Classical Languages, Bangladesh visited the College of Christian Theology Bangladesh (CCTB) on November 23-25, 2015. The College of Christian Theology Bangladesh was established [...]

Visit to Methodist Graduate School of Theology

The Methodist Graduate School of Theology (MGST) was visited by VET consisting of Dr. Ng Peh Cheng, Associate Secretary of CAED; Dr. Chiu Eng Tan, Academic Dean, Biblical Seminary of the Philippines; and Rev. Dr. Stephen Oliver, Professor of New Testament, China Lutheran Seminary, Taiwan on November 23-25, 2015. MGST officially started in 1999 to [...]


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