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ATA News

Introducing A•CROSS

(Asian Christian Reflections on Society and Spirituality) ATA’s Online Forum  One of ATA’s priority goals is the formation of “‘hermeneutical communities’ of Asian Evangelical Scholars from different disciplines working together to provide a prophetic voice to the burning issues in Asia”. This hopefully leads to “member institutions serving the Asian Church Effectively so that [...]

Institutions Visited In The Last Two Months Of 2019 

The last two months of 2019 allowed for three more visits to three different institutions in two different regions of Asia.  The first institution is located in the Middle Eastern region of Asia and it is a visit to Program for Theological Education by Extension, or PTEE, located in Amman, Jordan. PTEE was visited [...]

From Asia to Europe: Visiting Evaluation Teams sent out last October

Several Visiting Evaluation teams were sent out in the month of October and these visits were not only limited to institutions in Asia, but extended also to Europe. The institutions visited were in the following countries: Philippines, Spain, and Japan.  The Institutions visited in the Philippines were the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines (BSOP) [...]

Visiting Evaluation Teams sent out to Mongolia

Last September, Visiting Evaluation Teams were sent out to two schools in Mongolia. The first school was Union Bible Theological College (UBTC) and the second was Mongolian Theological Education by Extension (MTEE). Both schools are in Ulaanbaatar.  UBTC was visited last 23-25 September by Dr. Theresa Lua, General Secretary, ATA; Mr. Mark Wood, Director [...]

2020 ATA Theological Consultation

"Ethics in Asian Societies: An Evangelical Conversation" August 3-6, 2020 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Hotel to be shared later) When? Set aside August 3-6 and join us for a double celebration! You are warmly invited to participate in the 2020 ATA Theological Consultation where we will engage in a pivotal theological conversation on the topic: [...]

A Joint Visiting Evaluation Team Graces Israel College of the Bible

Last May 28-30 2019, Israel College of  the Bible was visited by a joint team from ATA and the the European Council for Theological Education or ECTE (formerly the European Evangelical Accrediting Association or EEAA). The members of the team are as follows: Dr. Rick Weymouth (ATA Convenor), Dr. Chiu Eng Tan (ATA Member), [...]


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