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So far ataasiaadmin has created 74 blog entries.

The ATA Mango Tree

Everybody loves a mango! I remember travelling in a train in India when at one of the long station stops I saw a small boy carrying a basket of mangoes on his head. He was walking up and down the platform, trying to sell his mangoes, but despite the heat no one was buying [...]


By: Dr. Sooi Ling Tan Dean of AGST Alliance/Presiding Dean, AGST Council “Unhindered:” This is the last word from Luke in the book of Acts, profoundly describing the unrestrained freedom experienced in preaching and teaching the Kingdom of God despite being hampered by physical restraints. It accentuates the boundless, unstoppable, unrestricted nature and [...]

Life Matters: Member Care in the Educational Community

Last July 28, ATA hosted a Webinar entitled, “Life Matters: Member Care in the Educational Community”, with Ms. Anne Elizabeth Samuel, Dr. Sunny Tan, Dr. Melchor Go, Ms. Anne Elizabeth Samuel, Rev. Anita Chia and Rev. Sur del Rosario as resource persons. In case you missed it or would want to watch it again, we have recorded it and [...]

Fostering Spiritual and Ministerial Formations in the New Normal

Last June 16, ATA hosted a Webinar entitled, “Fostering Spiritual and Ministerial Formations in the New Normal”, with Drs. John Enyinnaya, Dwi Maria Handayani, Kang Hack Lee, Casey Ng and Steve Taylor as resource persons. In case you missed it or would want to watch it again, we have recorded it and are making [...]

Good Practice in Situations with Limited Connectivity

Last June 2, ATA hosted a Webinar entitled, “Good Practice in Situations with Limited Connectivity”, with Drs. Graham Aylett, Finny Philip, Samuel Sidjabat, Rev. Wailes Rangsa, and Rev. Victor Sadek as resource persons. In case you missed it or would want to watch it again, we have recorded it and are making it available [...]


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